About me

Štěpánka Jislová 

Štěpánka Jislová (1992) graduated from the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art in Pilsen. Sh is a Czech illustrator and comics artist. Born in 1992, she resides in Prague

She has published her short comics stories in various Czech (Aargh!, Caves, Bubblegun, Xerox) and foreign (Bobla, Dirty Diamonds, CBA) magazines. Her comics story The Tree was awarded first prize in 2013 edition of CZ.KOMIKS. She participated in the comics symposium The Superheroes of Eastern Bloc (2015) and was awarded a Californian residency in Wilkinson College as a part of Getting to know Europe grant.

Her short comic stories were published in various domestic and international anthologies. She is the (co) author of seven comic books, the latest being Heartcore, an intimate autobiography about love, relationships and the toxic cycles we often find ourselves in.